Brachytherapy. One week on.

It's exactly one week since I had my brachytherapy implants of Iodine-125 radioactive seeds and I have to say that I don't feel a lot different at the moment. This may of course be the lull before the storm and Gloria is watching my every move intently, analysing me for any possible sign of outcome.
"Have you found any seeds yet?"
"Not even when you wee?"
"Let's look at your bruises ..." There follows an embarrassing lying on the bed with legs in the air while Gloria peers at my scrotum area with intense interest. "I can't believe you heal so quickly."
"Me neither."
"What about your poos?"
"Well, I'm just being caring. You know ... like I'm supposed to."
"Yeah, well that's lovely. Thank you. I'm all fine. I'll tell you when I'm not."
"I'm sure you will!"

There was a veiled implication there that somehow I ought to be making a martyr of myself and doubtless, in time, I would. But I hadn't done so yet. Still, all things considered, this week has been a bonus. And Gloria has worked from home all week, which has been great. And she's felt the need to cook every night except one. Result!

Looking at how things have progressed over the week, it started on Friday last week with a good deal of soreness. Sitting on hard chairs was not easy and there was plenty of swelling around the nether parts. That soon subsided though and very quickly, I felt good again - I had felt really fit and healthy before the op. That situation was restored.

I've taken my Tamsulosin and Naproxen like a good boy and I have had no need for the Paracetomol that the hospital gave me. (Do hospitals really need to prescribe Paracetomol when you can buy it in the supermarket for pennies?) I've also avoided the demon drink - no alcohol at all.

That was hard last night as Gloria and I decided we should go out for a meal. She had a Prosecco followed by a glass of red and she smelled of alcohol! Not unpleasantly, you understand, but when you both drink together, you don't notice each other's smell. I of course had no wine, but instead I had the luxury of an alcohol-free Beck's beer. It was OK. Better than having nothing, but a pale imitation of the real thing. And, to add insult to injury, they served it in a Peroni glass! Only my favourite beer ever!

Staying off alcohol and caffeine is important since they can irritate the urethra which is getting a dose of radiation all the time and therefore may be getting a little pissed off. However, I have to say that if I am in the same situation in a week's time, I may indulge in a little beer or wine.

The only noticeable side-effect has been a very slight slowing down of the urination process. I've always been a fairly gushing sort of guy in this region, so a slow-down is a bit strange. Not that the flow has gone weak particularly, but it's taking longer to wee. I'm being more episodic and therefore waiting in the loo for longer. On balance though, this is not a great hardship.

Apart from this I feel that I am not quite as vigorous in exercising. The stairs to our apartment today were more challenging than normal - so I guess that could be down to the radiation. Or perhaps I've just been a fat, lazy bastard!

Stay tuned for more updates when I have something to tell.

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