Urgency to urinate can dramatically affect your life


When you gotta go, you gotta go! That's always been true for me, even pre-prostate cancer. I'm an enthusiastic urinator who seems to make more of the gold stuff than relates to the amount of liquid he takes in - impossible, I know.

Following my brachytherapy to treat the cancer, I found that I was subject to the issue that many people in my position do: urinary tract infections (UTIs) which can make your life not only uncomfortable but totally governed by the availability of a loo. These UTIs seemed to spring from nowhere on a reasonably regular basis, particularly after I had an enthusiastic party weekend with lots of drink, food and ... well, "activity".

Initially, I was treated with antibiotics - Nitrofurantoin 100mg modified-release capsules - which frankly made life just as miserable but for different reasons. However, after four or five days, they would clear up the problem and the seven-day course seemed worth it.

Fast forward until a few months ago and I was having my update with my lovely Radiology nurse and I mentioned the fact that the UTIs kept recurring. She had some good advice - yes, if the problem was serious, get antibiotics, but if it was just an irritation, Ibuprofen for a week works just as well. I tried it and, guess what, it cleared up really quickly.

She also advised me to drink cranberry juice regularly. Since that regime has been in place, no embarrassing urgencies, slightly better frequency (except after a weekend of excess alcohol) and no irritated urethra. Great news.

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Urgency to urinate can dramatically affect your life

  When you gotta go, you gotta go! That's always been true for me, even pre-prostate cancer. I'm an enthusiastic urinator who seems ...

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